Monday, June 20, 2016

The Human Cost of Fortress Europe by Amnesty International - Democracy and Class Struggle says Vote No to Fortress Europe on 23rd June 2016

The myths

Some in the EU and the media have tried to justify increasingly harsh migration policies on
the grounds that Europe is having to cope with more than its fair share of refugees and
migrants. It is also often argued that the vast majority of those irregularly entering Europe are
economic migrants.

The facts

Most of world’s refugees do not leave their regions of origin. At the end of 2013, the
countries hosting the largest numbers of refugees were: Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan,
Turkey, Kenya, Chad, Ethiopia, China and the USA.

Since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, over 2.8 million Syrians have fled their homes –
more than half of them children.

 Only 96,000 had reached Europe in search of protection
by the end of April 2014.

In 2013, 48% of all irregular entrants and 63% of all those arriving irregularly by sea came
from Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Somalia, countries torn by conflict and wide spread
human rights abuses. 

The majority of those fleeing these countries are clearly fleeing
generalized violence or persecution and are prima facie in need of international protection. 

Smash Fortress Europe

To obtain PDF of Report

                                                        View of EU from Morocco


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