Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Comrade Klashnikov by Kamran Mahjoob aka Behrooz Navai

Democracy and Class Struggle remembers Kamran Mahjoob aka Behrooz Navai he will always live in our memory

Kamran Manjoob died on the 6th June 2015 - in his memory we publish one of his Poems Comrade Klashnikov.

There is a Comrade made of steel,

that was born in the land of the soviets

in the people's war in Vietnam he was along with the people

in fight for Palestine liberation he fought for the people of Palestine

in Latin American people's war he was with the people

in people’s war in China he has fought for people of China

nowadays in several states of India it is fighting hand in hand with Adivasis and Dalits

Salute (and long live) the comrade of the people who is made of Steel!

Long live people’s comrade!

Long live comrade Klashnikov!

- - - - -

Lieutenant-General Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov 

(10 November 1919 – 23 December 2013)

And no

I don't like guns

I hate violence

but people's war

is not really an offense

it is a only cry

it is a cry of a suffocating source

from depth of a well

from a sinking entity

the innocent, the exploited,

the one who was stamped on his forehead as a lower caste

the one who was stamped on her forehead as a lower sex

screaming it is my right to breath

don't push your boots on my head

to die under mud and quicksand of

feudal/capitalist/caste world that rules

when you don't know it is simply not knowing

but when you know and you don't care or act

you are a criminal

to be indifferent

join me to fight for justice and wipe out caste

join me to fight for mother India with a red star on its forehead,

join me for equality sooner the better or
sorry, destiny and time may not have mercy.   
It is not right to talk about vengeance ..................

Behrooz Navai





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