Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Combatir el Liberalismo - No a la Unión Europea neoliberal por Nickglais

Combatir el Liberalismo - No a la Unión Europea neoliberal por Nickglais

"Las personas que son liberales consideran los principios del marxismo como dogmas abstractos. Aprueban el marxismo, sin embargo no están dispuestos a practicarlo o a desarrollarlo en su totalidad; no están preparados para sustituir su liberalismo por el marxismo. Estas personas tienen su marxismo, pero también tienen su liberalismo, hablan sobre marxismo, sin embargo, practican el liberalismo"

Mao Zedong – Combatir el Liberalismo

El debate en el Reino Unido sobre la Unión Europea y el Brexit revela una profunda brecha entre liberales-socialdemócratas y marxistas revolucionarios, tanto sobre las cuestiones de clase como  las nacionales que surgen alrededor de la cuestión del Brexit del Reino Unido.

Todo el proyecto de la Unión Europea desde su creación se basa en un compromiso con el liberalismo de libre mercado y, más recientemente, con el neoliberalismo

To Continue to full article in Spanish

"People who are liberals look upon the principles of Marxism as abstract dogma.

 They approve of Marxism, but are not prepared to practice it or to practice it in full; they are not prepared to replace their liberalism by Marxism. 

These people have their Marxism, but they have their liberalism as well--they talk Marxism but practice liberalism "

Mao Zedong - Combat Liberalism

The debate In UK over the European Union and Brexit reveals a profound gulf between Liberal Social Democrats and Revolutionary Marxists over both the class and national questions that arise over the question of UK Brexit.

The entire European Union Project from its inception was based upon a commitment to free market liberalism and of late neo liberalism.

For full article in English


Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr refuses to endorse any of the anti-EU organisations for the simple reason they are mainly pro-UK. Leading lights such as George Galloway and Nigel Farage do not defend the right of self-determination for the nationalities in the British Isles up to and including the point of separation.

From our class and national viewpoints we oppose both the European super-state and the UK state and will take the opportunity of the referendum to expose the hypocrisy of Galloway, Farage and others of their ilk as UK nationalists.

However we will also endeavour to expose the pro-EU hypocrisy of Plaid Cymru, the SNP and Sinn Fein for their promotion of the European super-state and its making of Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England as nothing more than EU dependencies rather than campaigning in favour of politically independent nations

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