Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Yiddish - A Struggle for Survival - Remembering Communist and Socialist Yiddish Publication and Songs

The Yiddish Language was a language of struggle and progress in  the 1920's and 1930's and had a widespread communist and socialist  secular literature in USA and Europe which has been forgotten.

The Holocaust by killing so many Yiddish language speakers in Europe in a way succeeded in disappearing that progressive culture - to which the monolingual position of the Zionists also contributed.

We at Democracy and Class Struggle remember that culture and would like to see it rebirth among Jewish comrades combating Zionism and struggling for socialism today.

The New York city-based Morgen Freiheit (English: Morning Freedom) was a daily Yiddish language newspaper affiliated with the Communist Party, USA, founded by Moissaye Olgin in 1922. After the end of World War II the paper's pro-Zionist pro Israel  views brought it into disfavor with the Communist Party and its editor Paul Novick was expelled from the organization. The paper finally folded in 1988.

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