Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Forum on the EU Referendum: What Should be the Marxist-Leninist Approach?

Forum on the EU Referendum: What Should be the Marxist-Leninist Approach?

12.00 to 16.00, Sunday 24th. April


The Cock Tavern, 23 Pheonix Road, Euston, London N1 1HB

The split within the ruling class in Britain as to whether to stay in the EU or to leave is now a dominant issue in British politics.

The current discourse over the EU referendum is dictated by the ruling class who have made immigration the primary consideration concerning Britain’s EU membership. This issue is something the left cannot ignore. The left in Britain is also divided on the issue.

What however should be the position of Marxist-Leninists to the EU referendum?

The Red Block for Maoist Unification has decided to invite other Marxist-Leninist organisations and individuals to a discussion on this important issue.

If you would like to send a speaker for the meeting to put across your organisation's position, please inform us by Friday 15th April so we can put an agenda together for the order of speakers.

In Solidarity
Ollie Coxhead at rh10red@googlemail.com
on behalf of the Red Block

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