Monday, February 29, 2016

Wales - March 1st - A New Flag For a New Movement of Welsh Socialist Republicans

March 1st 2016 apart from being St Davids Day and Wales National Day.

It is also four years since the formation of  Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr - The Great Unrest.

Four years ago Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr was only present in West Wales but since then we have expanded to South Wales and North Wales and have supporters in mid Wales.

We have also produced the magazine Liberation the third Issue will come out at end of March 2016 as will a new Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr website..

Today we adopt a new flag for our Welsh Socialist Republican Movement  by combining  the White Eagle of  Snowdon with  Red Flag of the 1831 Merthyr Rising - we authentically combine national and social liberation for Wales in our symbolic flag on this St David's Day March 1st 2016.

What did we say on our foundation in March 2012 :

"Leanne Wood taking the leadership of Plaid Cymru will spread and perpetuate the illusion that Plaid Cymru is or can become a vehicle for a progressive, socialist and republican movement, that Plaid Cymru can challenge the Westminster imposed austerities, take Wales out of the neo-imperialist wars in the middle east and elsewhere, and get rid of those imposters posing as the Prince and Princess of Wales.

Plaid Cymru cannot really do this, because it is at bottom the party that represents Welsh businessmen, and not the working people of Wales. 

Its call for an independent Wales inside the European Union only seeks to change one set of rulers from Westminster for another in Brussels, the pound for the Euro.

The essential link between national and class oppression was exposed in Ireland by James Connolly. In Wales, Gethin ap Gruffydd  is one of the few Welsh patriots that recognises that at root the national question in Wales is a class question." in 2012.

There are less people in Wales today who share the illusions about Plaid Cymru being the vehicle for a progressive socialist republican movement in 2016 than in 2012 - truth is a process that is revealed over time and actions always speak louder than words.

Here are a few actions from Yr Aflonddwch Mawr over the past four years in defence of Wales and exposing Imperialism and Capitalism.

                    Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr 
  New Flag of Welsh Socialist Republicanism 

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