Sunday, December 27, 2015

India :Why have there not been social revolutions in India, is a question which has incessantly troubled me by Dr Ambedkar

"They could not bear arms, and without arms they could not rebel. They were all ploughmen—or rather, condemned to be ploughmen—and they never were allowed to convert their ploughshares into swords. 

They had no bayonets, and therefore everyone who chose, could and did sit upon them"

Dr Ambedkar in Annihilation of Caste

Every kind of thought is not agreeable to every person. This is evident from the fact that capitalism appeals to the rich and does not appeal to the poor. On the contrary socialism appeals to the poor but does not appeal to the rich. This is because there is a very intimate connection between the interests of a man and the thoughts which have an adverse effect on his interests. He will not give them any quarters in his mind.

Why have the mass of people tolerated the social evils to which they have been subjected? There have been social revolutions in other countries of the world. Why have there not been social revolutions in India, is a question which has incessantly troubled me.

There is only one answer which I can give, and it is that the lower classes of Hindus have been completely disabled for direct action on account of this wretched Caste System.

They could not bear arms, and without arms they could not rebel. They were all ploughmen—or rather, condemned to be ploughmen—and they never were allowed to convert their ploughshares into swords.

They had no bayonets, and therefore everyone who chose, could and did sit upon them.

On account of the Caste System, they could receive no education. They could not think out or know the way to their salvation.

They were condemned to be lowly; and not knowing the way of escape, and not having the means of escape, they became reconciled to eternal servitude, which they accepted as their inescapable fate." ~ Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar



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