Sunday, November 8, 2015

Arrest Narendra Modi for Murder of three British Citizens during Gujurat Massacre

Narendra Modi was Chief Minister  of Gujarat during the Gujurat  Massacre

UK ended its boycott of Modi in October 2012 in spite of earlier quote from the leaked report of British High Commission in India according to which the pogroms in Gujarat in 2002,

 “had all the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing and that reconciliation between Hindus and Muslims is impossible while the chief minister remains in power.”

The report further said, “far from being spontaneous” this massacre, “was planned, possibly months in advance, carried out by an extremist Hindu organisation with the support of the state government.”

Tariq Mahmood of the Pakistan Patriotic Front registered his complaint at the Deptford Police Station in South London on Wednesday, according to Pakistani daily The International News.

In a statement, Mahmood blames Modi for the death of three British citizens in the riots.

“Modi was not allowed to enter the UK at one time but the decision was later changed due to political and business considerations. He was directly responsible for what happened in Gujarat,” he said.

“The responsibility for the murder of three Britons lies with Modi. Families of victims have said so and the fact that he was banned means that the UK has evidence of his involvement.”

Britain was one of the first western nations to end its diplomatic boycott on Modi in October 2012, when the UK’s High Commissioner to India met with the then-governor of Gujarat in Gandhinagar.

Foreign Minister Hugo Swire said the change of heart was “in line with the British government’s stated objective of improving bilateral relations with India.”

Justice for the three British Citizens Saeed Dawood and Shekel Dawood and Mohammed Aswat murdered during Gujurat Massacre demands the Arrest of Narendra  Modi when he lands in United Kingdom.


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