Sunday, March 22, 2015

"You can pick all the flowers, but you will never be able to stop the advance of spring." March 23rd 2015 Indefinite Hunger Strike begins by Maoist Political Prisoners in Morocco

                                                         Moroccan Spring Flowers

Communicated to the national and international opinion,indefinite hunger strike conducted by the group of political prisoners and Aziz Aziz Elkhalfawi Elbour, in local prisons Boulmharez and Oudaia Marrakech

We continue our struggle in local prisons Boulmharez and Oudaia Marrakech against catastrophic realities in which we live and to face the systematic refusal of the prison administration to meet our claims made, and despite several hunger strikes that we conducted.

We also denounce harassment and daily threats we face every day inside our prisons - whether in the form of insults, bullying, physical assault made by guards, officials, directors and presidents of our prisons.

We  Maoist political prisoners have decided to engage in a new stage of resistance by conducting a fresh indefinite hunger strike for the group of Aziz Elkhalfawi and another three days for the group of renewable Aziz Elbour if necessary.

These strikes will begin Monday, March 23, 2015 in memory of the glorious uprising of March 23, 1965; and there, we seek to impose our just and legitimate demands within the prison.

Our demands are:

Our release and that of all political prisoners unconditionally

The abandonment of the charges and proceedings from scratch mounted against us

The dropping of charges against our comrades unconditionally

The abandonment of the University of militarization and the complete abandonment of the Tripartite circular.-

Authorization of access for our families, for students and for all those who want to visit us throughout the week.- I

Improving diets, the right and access to care, health and hygiene

The provision of books and free access to reference books, newspapers and all that contribute to the study.-

Authorization to enroll in bachelor's, master's and the vocational license.-

Authorization of a free phone use to communicate with the outside.-

Authorization for walks on adequate and proper time.

consolidation of political prisoners in one prison and in the same cells.-

The end of harassment and all measures having abuses we face everyday.Finally, we report on a national and international opinion our full solidarity:-

With all the struggles of the Moroccan people in all its components (workers, peasants, students, pupils, unemployed ...).-

With all political prisoners throughout the country and abroad.

We strongly condemn:

- Repression and solitary confinement experienced by our families, the National Union of Students of Morocco, activists of the movement of February 20 and all democratic activists.

- Abuses and restrictions faced by union and political freedoms in Morocco.

Finally, we declare our determination to continue the struggle inside prison by all means at our disposal to achieve our true and accurate claims and we bear full responsibility for what may happen to us in prison management and the reactionary regime.

"You can pick all the flowers, but you will never be able to stop the advance of spring."



Long live the World proletarian revolution.



Group Aziz Elkhalfawi:Aziz Elkhalfawi - n ° 2375 (Oudaia)Radwan Aladimi - n ° 2376 (Ouadhias)Group Aziz Elbour:Aziz Elbour - n ° 12679 (Tiznit prison)Mohammed Almouaddine - n ° 21409 (Boulmharez)Hicham Almiskini - No. 21 415 (Boulmharez)Abdelhak Atalhaoui - No. 21 853 (Boulmharez)Marrakesh, 21/03/2015

Democracy and Class Struggle appeals to comrades to support our Moroccan Brothers and Sisters.

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