Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Statement from New Communist Party USA( Liaison Committee) 

Yesterday’s news that a St. Louis County grand jury will not indict Ferguson, Mo., white police officer Darren Wilson for the murder of unarmed 18-year-old African American Michael Brown comes as no surprise. In spite of several witnesses, including Brown’s friend Dorian Johnson who was with him at the time of the murder, who saw Brown with his hands up in the air surrendering, in spite of video and audio recording directly after the shooting that conflict with police officer’s reports, in spite of an independent autopsy issued by the Brown family that contradicts original claims that Brown was shot as a result of struggling with officer Wilson, in spite of all of the mounting evidence that contradicts the Ferguson Police Department’s statements and accounts, St. Louis County has decided not to indict officer Wilson.

In spite of the vicious character-assassination attempts by the Ferguson Police Department and St. Louis County’s spreading a surveillance video of a man shop-lifting in which they claim was Brown, the masses of Ferguson and their allies were not so easily fooled by these white supremacists tactics. What happened to so many other young men of African descent in this country, including Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin and scores of others, was yet again formulaically attempted on Michael Brown.

Instead, St. Louis County, Missouri and the repressive state apparatus of the U.S. have further proven to more and more of the oppressed and exploited masses in the U.S. that we are being brutalized, hunted, stalked, systemically discriminated against and systemically murdered.

The fact that officer Wilson, like countless others before him and surely hundreds of others after, is able to walk away with no indictment after a cold-blooded killing, resonates in the communities of the oppressed nations in the United States.

While struggling with poverty, inadequate employment and schooling; discriminated in virtually all facets of American society, our struggle is further exacerbated by a police force that serves the bourgeoisie and enforces a racial and national oppression that is as clear as day to the naked eye.

 It is especially clear when we begin to see Missouri Governor Jay Nixon declare a statewide emergency ahead of the grand jury decision with the Missouri National Guard, Missouri Highway Patrol, St. Louis County Police Department and St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department converging on Ferguson under a Unified Command under the cynical guise of “protecting civil rights”.

But the masses grow weary of oppression.

What surely will happen, as what has been happening, is a continued unrest and uprising in Ferguson and all over the U.S. The oppressed are right to rebel. But what is needed now more than ever is the revolutionary understanding of some conclusions:

1) The U.S. is a settler-colonialist capitalist empire with internal colonies/oppressed nations, of which include the Black Nation; this antagonism is violent and deadly and The working class of these oppressed nations along with the working class from the Euro-American must unite to form a United Front to combat not only national oppression and Euro-American chauvinism but capitalism itself, this process includes the creation of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party of the multi-national working class.

2) The masses cannot rely on the police (or any other state representation) for genuine protection and service; it is not in the interest of the capitalist-serving police to protect and serve our communities.

3) Oppressed nationalities, but principally people of African descent, have always been targeted and brutalized; Michael Brown is not a unique phenomenon in the settler-colonialist-capitalist-imperialist history of the U.S.

4) The masses need their own proletarian protection, our own bases, our own forces, our own counter-hegemonic movement: our own dual power. The masses need a People’s Army, and this Army can only be lead by the Communist Party, and as such we must construct the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Party. Struggles in different localities should form self-defense groups to form an attempt at resistance such as the formation of cop watches to act as a counterweight against police brutality, with the recognition that these forms are also limited as well in terms of their impact and scope but that are necessary in providing some form of material relief to the masses who suffer from brutal forms of violence and extra-judicial killings.

We stand in solidarity with the masses in Ferguson, Mo., and all over the U.S. that organize against police terror. We stand in full support of the rebelling oppressed masses who cry out for fundamental change. We stand in unequivocal support for all those who see these injustices as further proof, as further evidence, as an indictment against the white supremacist capitalist-imperialist nature of the U.S.

Long live the rebelling masses of Ferguson!

Long live the oppressed people of the U.S!

Down with Capitalism and Imperialism!

Arms Up!

Resist The State!

SOURCE: http://ncplc.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/no-matter-what-the-state-says-officer-darren-wilson-is-guilty/

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