Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On the Student Demonstrations in Hong Kong by Communist Party of The Philippines

The China and Hong Kong governments can only provoke bigger mass actions in the face of widespread demands by the students and people for political reforms and greater democratic rights.
By CPP Information Bureau
30 September 2014

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the government of China and its authorities in Hong Kong for employing the full force of the police to brutally suppress student mass demonstrations.

Last Sunday, the Hong Kong police lobbed teargas canisters, used pepper spray, and wielded batons to charge and disperse the protest actions.

The China and Hong Kong governments, however, can only provoke bigger mass actions in the face of widespread demands by the students and people for political reforms and greater democratic rights.
The suppression of mass demonstrations in Hong Kong, a territory under Chinese rule, is reminiscent of the suppression of the Tienanmen demonstrations in 1987.

Both prove that the government leadership in China has long become fascist and increasingly isolated from the people as it continues to promote the interests of the big bureaucrat capitalists and foreign companies.

The CPP and the Filipino people express their solidarity with the students and people of Hong Kong in their democratic mass struggles, which have brought to the fore the increasingly oppressive and exploitative conditions and worsening socio-economic conditions amid the Chinese government’s relentless pursuit of the policies of liberalization, deregulation and privatization.

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