Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall of Kobane Reveals Failure of U.S. Bombing Campaign says Patrick Cockburn : : Abdullah Ocalan “If Kobane falls, the process will end.”

Democracy and Class Struggle says US and Turkey gives the support of a hang mans rope  to the Kurds in Kobane - learn the lesson - never  trust the People's hangmen the US and Turkey.

Journalist Patrick Cockburn says U.S.-led airstrikes have not degraded or destroyed the Islamic State (IS), who now control about a quarter of Iraq

Democracy and Class Struggle publishes the Patrick Cockburn interview for information purposes - it does not express the view of Democracy and Class Struggle.

The Kurdish Workers Party will not die in Kobane - it will multiply
The fate of Rojava has become a red line for the PKK in the framework of the peace process with Turkey.

Bayik clearly said: “Turkey, with IS, is trying to make Kobani fall, replace it a buffer zone and erase the Kurdish status. … If a buffer zone is put up, the peace process will end and war will resume.”

The message imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan gave to a HDP delegation that visited him at Imrali prison was the same:

“If Kobani falls, the process will end.”


The sun was born in Amara*
Now appears on Imrali*
With the threshold of the guerilla
Shudders of Midleeast

They come they come
The apoists come
The fighters of humanity
Create the freedom

The fire in the prison Diyarbakir*
is expanding throughout the country
Flags with the red star
withstand the storm

They come they come
The apoists come
The fighters of humanity
Create the freedom

The first cartridge of 15 August*
can be heard today
The guerrilla is as a avalanche
of fascism trembles

They come they come
The apoists come
The fighters of humanity
Create the freedom

A battle to live and death
have comrades countless fallen
the liberation struggle of humanity
continues and will win in Kurdistan

They come they come
The apoists come
The fighters of humanity
Create the freedom

Amara*: Birthplace of Apo Ocalan the Founder and Leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party-PKK.
Imrali*: Prison island where the Apo Ocalan is imprisoned)
*1980-1984 self-combustion of several PKK fighters in the military prison of Diyarbakir.
*15th August 1984. the Kurdistan Workers Party-PKK started the armed struggle against the Turkish fascism.

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