Tuesday, September 30, 2014

India: APCLC district president Vijay Kumar, vice-president Harinatha Reddy and general secretary Bommaiah were also taken into custody and were put under house arrest to restrain them from attending the meeting of 42 people’s organisations scheduled to be held in Tirupati on Sunday to highlight their demands. They were released from house arrest on Sunday evening.

Kurnool: Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee president and state convenor of Operation Green Hunt Vythireka Porata Samiti Prof S. Seshaiah has been taken into custody and put under house arrest by Anantapur police on Saturday night. 

APCLC district president Vijay Kumar, vice-president Harinatha Reddy and general secretary Bommaiah were also taken into custody and were put under house arrest to restrain them from attending the meeting of 42 people’s organisations scheduled to be held in Tirupati on Sunday to highlight their demands. They were released from house arrest on Sunday evening.
It is reported that the police have stepped up surveillance on their houses  and tapped their phones to know their movements.

APCLC leaders demand that Revolutinary Democratic Front assistant secretary and Delhi University Prof G.N Saibaba be released immediately. They also demand that a judicial probe be instituted into the death of Telangana Praja Front former president Akula Bhommaiah.
Besides, they have also beend demanding the government to stop the Operation Green Hunt, provide livable conditions to the tribals and withdraw para mitlitary forces deployed in the Agency areas.
They also want the government to stop combing operations and cancel all the deals signed with the multinational companies.


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