Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ukraine : Merkel and Poroshenko - No to Federalism yes to Decentralisation ? It will take more than linguistic tricks about decentralisation and federalisation for a real transformation of the situation in the East of Ukraine

Democracy and Class Struggle says it will take more than linguistic tricks about decentralisation and federalisation for a real transformation of the situation in the East of Ukraine .

First stop the War on the People and withdraw the Kiev forces from Eastern Ukraine if the meeting on the 26th August is to have any meaningful possibility for any agreement.

There can be no agreement without the direct participation of the people of Eastern Ukraine and not just the same old Oligarchs representing them who helped create this crisis in the first place.

No solutions from above only from below.

Make Class Struggle the principal struggle and struggle for Socialism.

Is Merkel talking with the backing of NATO and USA ?  who are still actively promoting the War on the People in words and deeds or is she just the peaceful diplomatic fluff of deception and diversion has the War on the People is stepped up.

The more they talk peace the more they make war.


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