Monday, August 4, 2014

No To Imperialist War : Protest March to the NATO Summit - Newport Wales on 4th September 2014

Wednesday 3rd September to Saturday 6th September Red Block Camp

The leaders of NATO including Barack Obama and Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg are meeting to plan further NATO Imperialist Aggression  in Ukraine and elsewhere..

See Note at bottom of this page on Israeli/NATO Co-operation.

Although this gang of Imperialist terrorists has been defeated in Afghanistan their appetite for further aggression is undiminished.

Red Block is an alliance of communist organisations and we call upon communists and other militants to converge on Newport to protest when the Imperialist leaders are meeting.

We shall be engaging in demonstrations and other campaigning activities.

A Camp is being organised for the above period.

Contact as soon as possible if you wish to participate.

State how many will be attending and when you plan to arrive.

Tents will be provided but if you can bring one that would be helpful.

Also, bring a sleeping bag.

Food will be available and participants will be charged a 20 pound fee to help meet costs of holding camp.

Spread the word to other comrades who may wish to attend.

Down with NATO Terrorism

People of the World Unite and Defeat

Nato Imperialism and all its lackeys

Note : History of Israel-NATO Military Cooperation

It is worth noting that in November 2004 in Brussels, NATO and Israel signed an important bilateral protocol which paved the way for the holding of joint NATO-Israel  military exercises.

A follow up agreement was signed in March 2005 in Jerusalem between NATO’s Secretary General and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

The 2005 bilateral military cooperation agreement was viewed by the Israeli military as a means to “enhance Israel’s deterrence capability regarding potential enemies threatening it, mainly Iran and Syria.”

The on going premise underlying NATO-Israel military cooperation is that “Israel is under attack”.

There is evidence of active military and intelligence coordination between NATO and Israel including consultations pertaining to the occupied territories.
“Before Operation Cast Lead was launched in Gaza, NATO was already exchanging intelligence with Israel, sharing security expertise, and organising military drills. ….
Former NATO chief Scheffer visited Israel in the midst of Israel’s offensive on Gaza. And NATO officials were at the time of the opinion that cooperation with Israel was essential for their organisation. (Al Ahram, February 10, 2010)

The March 2013 Israel-NATO Brussels bilateral agreement is the culmination of more than ten years of Israel-NATO cooperation.

Does this agreement “obligate” NATO “to come to the rescue of Israel” under the doctrine of “collective security”?

The agreement tightens the on going process of US-NATO-Israel military planning and logistics relating to any future operation in the Middle East including an aerial bombing of Iran’s nuclear plants.

Major Non Nato Ally (MNNA)

MNNA status was first created in 1989 when section 2350a, otherwise known as the Nunn Amendment, was added to Title 10 (Armed Forces) of the United States Code by Congress.[1]

 It stipulated that cooperative research and development agreements could be enacted with non-NATO allies by the Secretary of Defense with the concurrence of the Secretary of State. Initial MNNAs were Australia, Egypt, Israel, Japan, and South Korea.

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