Tuesday, August 26, 2014

India: 21st September 2014: Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Communist Party of India Maoist

The Blazing trail of the Maoist revolution in India !

Visit here for background information on Maoist Struggle in India : http://democracyandclasstruggle.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=blazing+the+trail


  1. The CPI-Maoist should take up the New Synthesis of Communism by Bob Avakian.
    They can then rename themselves CPI-Avakianist.

  2. This comment demonstates that Avakian supporters have lost contact with reality, they want to be teachers when they should be students of the Communist Party of India Maoist.

    Has I have I have said before this arrogance is born of American Exceptionalism .
