Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nepal: What is happening within CPN-Maoist ? by Rishi Raj Baral

Media's are floating different types  of news and views regarding the on going Central Committee meeting of the  Communist Party Of Nepal -Maoist. Now the Central Committee meeting of CPN-Maoist has been postponed   until July 20.
The Central Committee  meeting which was held in the  2nd week of January 2014, had decided to organize  the National Conference on June 24 to 29.  Latter on it was fixed for July 10. The main purpose of  the  National Conference was to enrich the party's political line.
We all know party's political line-''People's Revolt on the  Foundation of People's War'' had/has become  the  issue of debate and discussion within the Party. Particularly, it had/has  produced a lot of  confusion and controversies among the grass root cadres. In fact, not only the grass root cadres  top leaders  also were/are  not clear in this issue.
 There was/is no  uniformity  in the explanation and analysis of the Party line.  In the 7th National Convention it was explained  that the main  focal point is People's War. It was said that '' Only standing  on the  foundation of  People's War, we will achieve our objective through People's Revolt''.   But as the time passed,   it was reduced just in  ''revolt''.  Some of the leaders began to explain  the party line  as their wish.
 The Pokhara  Central Committee  meeting  of last year   strictly stressed to apply the party line in practice. But  it was the matter of sorrow that, one faction within CPN-Maoist was not ready to move forward  towards the revolutionary line and action. They used to plead the slogan of  ' struggle for people's constitution'  and 'national consensus'  between CPN-Maoist and other political parties. 
They did not follow the party decision.  This type of behavior produced a new type of debate and discussion within   the party.  That's why it was necessary to make it clear. The Central Committee realised that there was some inadequacy in the Party's ideological  and political line  and decided to enrich it. Without enriching the political line it was  not easy to make it clear. 
To enrich means  to hold it high and to move forward, not to return back.  Then Party decided to arrange the National Conference to finalize the problem regarding the ideological and  political  line. The main purpose to organise the National Conference was  to enrich the party's ideological and political  line  and to rectify the Party's organisational problem. The structural system of the  party was/is very disordered, dulled  and blunted. 
Now the scenario has changed. Party has decided to go for  the  Special Convention canceling the national conference  scheduled for  July 10, 2014. How and why it happened so ? These are the questions to be answered. In fact, there are some reasons behind this decision.
And we think these reasons are very vital and fundamental.  It is not hidden that the main problem, the main issue is  the Party's political line. Which way we are going to move ? Moving  ahead or returning back ?  We want to enrich the party line or we want  to create  a  new type of  illusion ? These are the questions that we are facing these days.
 CPN-Maoist  has passed two years of its formation. It  is true we could not succeed to do something  special,  but to some extent,  we have made our  identity clear .  And we know it is not enough, there are a lot  of works to do to make our identity clear  as a  revolutionary party. 
It was necessary to move a head according to the decision  done by the Pokhara Meeting, as I have already mentioned in my article ''CC Meeting: One Step Forward''(http://thenextfront.com/?p=2285).  But  after 2nd CA election some of the leaders of CPN–Maoist made regular   meeting with Prachanda the renegade,  whose party was badly beaten in the 2nd CA election. 
In result,  on March 13, a   joint press statement was released by Prachand–Baburam and Kiran–Badal. As  the Kathmandu post has mentioned : Dahal and Baidya have been in regular talks for the last two weeks to explore the possibility of party unity or working alliance (for detail visit : ( http://www.ekantipur.com/the-kathmandu-post/2014/03/13/top-story/maoist-parties-in-working) alliance/260350.html_).    
Next day in a press conference organised  at party headquarter  Buddhanagar,  one of the top leaders of  the  party told the journalists  that ''this  working alliance between CPN-Maoist and UCPN (Maoist) will lead us towards  the Party unification". 
This  type of statement raised a lot of confusion  within  CPN-Maoist .   We had already  the problems of party line and organisational disorder.  The issue of  party unification with UCPN (Maoist)   produced another delusion  and  fury among the party cadres.
In such circumstance Comrade Kiran  prepared the document for the National Conference. 
But Comrade Netra Bikram Chand, the secretary  of the CPN-Maoist was not satisfied with the document presented by Com Kiran and he tabled  his document for the conference . 
Here I am unable to mention  the similarities  and dissimilarities between the  two documents. But  I would like to put some extracts from the medias :
·         Chairperson Baidhya has tabled a proposal stating the party should not go for people's war but put pressure through streets to write a new constitution through roundtable conference after forging working alliance with like-minded parties including the Unified CPN (Maoist).However, Chand asserted that people's liberation would not be possible in status    quo and even without mobilizing force and stressed the need to keep the door           open for people's war as per the need.
·         According to party sources, Chand wants necessary preparations for the ´people´s war´ reviving self-style people´s government of the insurgency-era. Chand held that the party should continue with the people´s war, which goes against the party line stipulated in the political dossier prepared by Baidya, which suggested that the future party-line should be people´s revolt.
·         Chand has formally pulled up his socks at a time when the party has ganged up with pro-Maoist parties for working alliance to draft a pro-people constitution. Chand’s line of reviving the legacy of the decade-long bloody people’s war could also disturb the party’s recent decision to join hands with its previous colleagues.
The party’s extended meeting held at Kaski, however, had unanimously decided to revive the bases of people’s war so as to keep up the party’s essence as a communist party. Most of the party’s senior leaders, however, do not support Chand’s revolutionary views. Chand has      been claiming that the leadership failed to create grounds for achieving the party’s line of                 people’s revolt; and therefore, the party must find out appropriate ways to take the party line to a new height.
Formally, now  the two line struggle within CPN-Maoist  has  begun . Party has canceled the  program  of national gathering and has decided to call Special Convention within one year.
Hence   these two documents will be  kept for the special National Convention.  Now the document of Com Kiran  also does not represent  the official document . It just represents a document  of one line,  a document of one faction . Now we  have  a joint document for this initial period. 
The Central Committee meeting which  is  going to be held in July 20 will decide the  plan and policy for the  initial period.  Now the Party has decided  to sharpen the class struggle–struggle for the national sovereignty and the struggle for  the people's democracy and people's  livelihood.
 July 6, 2014

1 comment:

  1. the CPN M need to read the New Synthesis of Communism by Bob Avakian, and break with all revisionist tendencies. Rishi Raj Baral knows the RCP USA are right!
