Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Support National Demonstration for Gaza - Free Palestine on 19th July in London - March to Israeli Embassy

Demonstration called by: Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, CND, Friends of Al Aqsa, British Muslim Initiative, War on Want, Islamic Forum of Europe, Palestinian Forum in Britain

1400 Israeli air strikes, over 1000 rockets fired, and Israel says there is much more to come. Over 200 Palestinians have been killed, 77% of them civilians, a quarter ot them children. 1500 have been injured, 800 homes destroyed. Israeli prime minister Netanyahu says, "No international pressure will prevent us from striking."

Israel's barbaric bombardment of the most densely populated area on earth must stop now. Barack Obama, David Cameron and UK foreign secretary William Hague's support for "Israel's right to defend itself" is nothing less than collusion with war crimes killing women, children and disabled people.

Join this demonstration. Publicise it as widely as you can among your family, friends, in your workplace, college, local community etc. Israel's crimes against humanity must stop now.

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