Sunday, May 18, 2014

India: Murmuri ambush is the retaliation against the fake encounters, atrocities and white terror unleashed by the notorious C-60 forces!

Communist Party of India (Maoist)
Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee
Press Statement

 12 May 2014

Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee of CPI(Maoist) congratulates and hails the brave red fighters of the PLGA who carried out a daring attack on the notorious C-60 commando forces and wiped out seven of them, while grievously injuring two others on 11 May 2014 on Muranda- Murmuri road in Chamurshi tahsil of Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra.

We take this occasion to strictly warn the C-60 commandos who by forgetting their class roots in the service of the exploitative ruling classes have unleashed a reign of terror on the struggling masses of Gadchiroli and Gondia, that if they do not stop their aggressive attacks on the people, they will have to suffer even graver consequences than this in the coming days.

Murmuri offensive is a part of the Tactical Counter-Offensive Campaign (TCOC) carried out under the leadership of our party for self-defense and to resist Operation Green Hunt while furthering the revolutionary people’s war. This is a retaliation against the atrocities and terror of the C-60 commando forces.

In the multi-pronged attacks under Operation Green Hunt – the unjust war imposed on the oppressed people of the country by the central and state governments – more than 30 of our comrades have been brutally massacred in Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli and Gondia districts during the thirteen months between January 2013 and February 2014.

Attack on villages, ruthless beating up of villagers, illegal arrests, incarceration in false cases, gruesome murder of revolutionaries and common people in encounters and fake encounters, atrocities on women have become a commonplace today in the movement areas of Maharashtra. Along with the killing of 6 comrades in Govindgaon of Gadchiroli, 5 in Bhatpar, 7 in Sindesur, 7 in Betkathi of Gondia during this period, in Medri village of Gadchiroli district itself 6 women comrades were killed in cold blood. The 6 women comrades in Medri were brutally murdered after being caught and tortured. Not content at committing such cruelties, the mercenary C-60 commandos not only dishonoured the dead bodies of our slain women comrades, but also shot videos of their sadistic acts.

They have been selling these video clips in the shops and are also forcibly screening them in the villages of Gadchiroli and Gondia. We appeal to the students, youth, progressive and democratic forces, intellectuals, civil rights activists and organisations, pro-people journalists and others to strongly condemn this heinous and shameful act by the C-60 forces and to demand the strictest punishment for the perpetrators.

We appeal to you to intensify the movement to oppose Operation Green Hunt and to extend all possible help to the revolutionary people’s war under the leadership of the party that is leading the fight against Operation Green Hunt. Support the struggle of the exploited and oppressed masses, particularly the adivasi masses, who are fighting for establishing their birth- right over their jal-jangal-zameen, for a life with dignity and for their very existence.

(Gudsa Usendi)

Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee CPI(Maoist)

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