Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back to the Future - US State Department in 1937 support for Fascism - US State Department on Ukraine 2014

A 1937 Report of the State Department's European Division described the rise of Fascism as the natural reaction of "the rich and middle classes, in self-defense" when the "dissatisfied masses, with the example of the Russian revolution before them, swing to the Left."

Fascism therefore "must succeed or the masses, this time reinforced by the disillusioned middle classes, will again turn to the Left." 

The Report also noted that "if Fascism cannot succeed by persuasion [in Germany], it must succeed by force." 

It concluded that "economic appeasement should prove the surest route to world peace," a conclusion based on the belief that Fascism as a system was compatible with U.S. interests.


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