Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ukraine: Sergei Kirichuk of Union Borotba - On May 25th Election - it is impossible to campaign against the new regime – people in opposition to the junta are immediately beaten by right-wing goons. The opinion of the Southeast of the country will be open ignored by this shameful spectacle.

Ukraine: ‘No Elections Without a Referendum’
Appeal of Union Borotba (Struggle) Coordinator Sergei Kirichuk:
Kharkovites! Comrades and compatriots!
The new rulers of Ukraine, who came to power after the massacre in the center of Kiev, triggering the collapse of the country, want to legitimize their illegal junta.
For this purpose they have announced May 25 elections, which should simulate the free expression of the Ukrainians. However, they lie -- there are no choices.
Today on the streets of Kiev, ruled by neo-fascist militants, it is impossible to campaign against the new regime – people in opposition to the junta are immediately beaten by right-wing goons. The opinion of the Southeast of the country will be open ignored by this shameful spectacle. They will just allow a vote for the odious nationalist politicians and billionaires who have already ruled Ukraine and robbed her blind.
At present we have no real right to vote for the people who really represented and promoted our interests. The Kiev potentates put "watching" oligarchs over us who simply buy their gubernatorial seats. The world is ruled by people we do not elect - so is it any wonder that Kharkov and the Kharkov region interest them only as a trough from which it is necessary to squeeze out more juice, and spit on the concerns and interests of Kharkov residents?
And to silence the people unhappy with this situation, they deprive us of the right to a democratic constitutional referendum where residents of Kharkov would be free to express their demands – for the right to self-government and self determination over the fate of the region.
We declare that the upcoming elections will not be legitimate unless we get the opportunity to hold a referendum on the status of regions and election of regional governors. If the Kiev junta does not reckon with this requirement, we the residents of Southeast of the country will come together on the day of voting in the streets, staging mass protests against their lawless attempts to mimic the will of the people.
Today we must unite the workers of Kharkov who oppose the Kiev junta. We, the members of the Union Borotba, urge you to struggle together with us to have a real opportunity to manage the city, region and country.
Liberals, oligarchs and fascists alike have shown that they cannot take the country out of the crisis, which has brought us their current policy. Only we can save Ukraine – the left. We will need to nationalize the property looted from the people, wrest it away from the oligarchs and end the capitalist impasse by taking the course of building a socialist society, where the real power will be the people of Ukraine.
We -- the members of "Borotba" -- see in this difficult moment a unique opportunity to save our country, ravaged by capitalist terror, and return it to its former glory as a thriving center of production, education, science and culture.
To do this, we need all forces fighting for the right to choose, which is deprived us by the junta.
No elections without a referendum!

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