Thursday, April 3, 2014

Afghanistan : Let's Boycott the Elections of 5th April 2014 that would determine the prime national-traitor

Let's Boycott the Elections that would determine the prime national-traitor
from the list of national traitors!

The puppet regime's third presidential election possesses particular
importance. In this election the person who would be chosen as the president
of the puppet regime will sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with
the American imperialist occupiers and become the regime's main implementer
of the agreement for the next five years.

Whoever wins the position of the  prime national-traitor, will not change the
anti-patriotic, anti-national  and anti-people orientation of the puppet regime
 following the election. All  candidates running in this election have already
announced that they would  sign the agreement with the American imperialists.

The signing of the BSA with the American imperialists by the future helmsman
of the puppet regime means that the American military strategic bases will
remain in Afghanistan until 2024, or even until 2034. Therefore, the
condition of our country's occupation, and the national servitude of our
people, will be prolonged: the occupying forces will continue to remain the
actual rulers of Afghanistan, the land and air of the country will remain
under their control, and the vicious incursions and onslaughts against the
country and its people will continue. It is possible that the puppet regime
under a new president might have slightly more authority in particular
areas, although its essence as a satrap puppet regime would fundamentally
remain intact. Unemployment, poverty, hunger, addiction, oppression of women
and oppressed nationalities, theft and plunder of the commons, plunder of
mineral resources and destruction of the environment will continue to affect
this already ravaged country and wreak havoc upon its people.

Under such circumstances the peace-mongering of the imperialists and the
national traitors is nothing other than the calm that predator animals
desire before hunting; it will only result in further bloodshed and the
continuation of the occupiers' and the national traitors' brutality. When
the invading armies and the imperialist occupying forces continue to have a
prolonged presence in this country, our people have no other option than to
continue and carry out an equally prolonged resistance.

In this context, our primary responsibility is still to continue to prepare
for the initiation of a more immediate and principled revolutionary people's
national war of resistance against the imperialist occupiers and their
national traitor satraps.

The Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, in  order to progress further
 along this path of struggle, calls for election  boycotts, the principal objective
of which is to determine the preeminent  national traitor planning to sign the
 strategic agreement with the American  occupiers. We desire the solidarity,
support and coordination of all  national democratic and revolutionary forces
 in the joint struggle against  the imperialist occupiers and their national traitor satraps.

Communist (Maoist) Party Afghanistan

February 24, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Wish to confirm how you posted a statement of Communist Workers party of India supporting the Aam Aadmi party.This outfit has no class analysis or any demarcations from ruling class politics.It's agenda has no revolutionary positions opposing the imperialist forces or the bourgeois or any agenda combating the policies of the t capitalists and landlordism.Infact it dances to the tune of revisionist parties,even if it opposes corruption.Even Red Flag party of K.N.Ramchandran is critical of it.Supporting Kejriwal is mee tailism.Could I post you a criticism of it's policies.I can't understand how the CWC statement is in line with revolutionary politics.R.D.F i s very critical of AAP.
