Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ukraine: Anti-fascists in Odessa protest arrest of resistance leader Anton Davidchenko

On the evening of March 17, "Alpha" special police units, acting under orders of the junta in Kiev, arrested one of the leaders of the resistance in Odessa, Anton Davidchenko.

Activists of the Union "Borotba" (Struggle), along with other concerned citizens of Odessa, came out to protest the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine), to demand the release of Davidchenko and stop the pressure on the opposition forces. 

Despite serious political differences with Davidchenko, "Borotba" opposes the prosecution of the Odessa activist for his civic position and beliefs.

Protesters blocked all entrances and exits from the building. However, according to information available to us at the time, Anton was already half way to Kiev.

The protesters included Odessa Regional Council deputy and Borotbist Alex Albu, who is also under pressure from the "law enforcement" officers. Albu said that today, the leaders of the protest movement in Odessa are exposed to constant attacks and threats. Authorities are trying to suppress popular resistance in the southeast of the country, and have even set up death squads in the name of the so-called National Guard. Only organized actions can defeat the fascist power, he said.

One solution - RESISTANCE!

Объединение Боротьба
Borotba Za Odessu

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