Saturday, March 8, 2014

Democracy and Class Struggle says Support Pensioner Ross Longhurst - Nottingham City Council are trying to imprison pensioner for refusing to pay Council Tax

Nottingham City Council are trying to imprison pensioner Ross Longhurst for refusing to pay Council Tax as a protest against the Coalition Government's austerity measures.

Ross says: "For the fourth year running Nottingham City Council are imposing cuts on local services which target the most vulnerable sections of the community such as children and old people. This is part of the Coalition Government's war on the poor and the Labour-controlled council are slavishly implementing the cuts.

The Labour councillors have shown by their callous disregard of the people who elected them that their only concern is to hold onto their positions and continue to receive their generous allowances and expenses. Jon Collins and the rest of them are a bunch of self-serving parasites"

"I call on all decent people to withhold their Council Tax payments in solidarity with people on low incomes who are being impoverished by the Government and local councils."

Ross appears at 14.00 on Thursday, 13th. March at Nottingham Magistrates Court, Carrington Street. He will hold forth stating his position outside the Court at 13.15. Come along and to show your support.

For further information phone 0115 837 7937

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