Friday, March 14, 2014

Armed men from the Nazis/Fascist Right Sector movement have attacked local self-defence activists in the eastern city of Kharkov

Armed men from the Nazi/Fascist Right Sector movement have attacked local self-defence activists in the eastern city of Kharkov, Itar-Tass reports citing local sources.

At least three activists have reportedly been wounded by gunfire.
The armed group of radicals had arrived from the West of Ukraine on a bus, local activists told Itar-Tass.“The outsiders are shooting machine guns,” he said.
The group has reportedly barricaded itself inside the local headquarters of Right Sector and was throwing sound and flash grenades. Police have been deployed at the scene.
Police are planning to storm the building, a correspondent at the scene told Russia-24 TV channel.

According to the report, the group of radical fighters arrived in Kharkov several weeks ago.

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