Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ukraine : Union "Borotba" activists in Ukraine Attacked by Nazis in Kiev

Nazis attack Borotba activists at "Euromaidan".

Borotba activists, which came to Kiev to assist Confederation of Free Unions of Ukraine to spread leaflets, have just been attacked.

The activists were in the tent of Confederation of Free Unions were attacked by more than 30 Nazi paramilitaries. The Nazi militants attacked chanting "shrimps" (this is the way the Ukrainian Nazis label people with anti-fascists persuasions).

Alexander Levin - the leftist and trade-union activist has got his nose broken, Denis Levin was attacked with gas, Anatoliy has got his ribs broken. The tent of of the Unions Confederation was cut with knives. The Nazis broke down loudspeakers and stole electric generator.

One of the major media-managers of "Svoboda" party - Ukrainian MP Miroshnichenko, was witnessing the event.

"We were nearly killed there" - Denis Levin informed by mobile phone.

The victims get medical aid by ambulance doctors. All the three will be taken to a hospital.


Union "Borotba" was founded in May 2011 by several Ukrainian political groups, in particular: the majority of the “Organization of Marxists” (Ukraine); a group of former members of “the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine” (youth organization of the Ukrainian Communist Party) and those who disagreed with bourgeois policy lead by the leadership of their organizations; members of the movement “Youth against capitalism”; club "Iskra"; “All-Ukrainian union of workers”; Youth Association "Che Guevara" (Ukraine), and other organizations and individual activists.

The first founding congress took part in Aprill 2012 in Kiev, Ukraine.

All regional organization were present at the congress, namely from Kiev, Donetsk, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Crimea, Vinnitsa, Luhansk, Krivoy Rog and other cities of Ukraine. International friends from Sweden and Russia also attended the Congress.


The Draft Manifest the Organization says: "Borotba" stands for "Revolutionary Marxism", and its most important task is to extend the Left ideology "by implementation of the Marxist methodology" in the political discourse of Ukraine. The manifest also states that the organization will support principles of Anti-Capitalism, Internationalism, Anti-Fascism, political radicalism and gender equality.

“Borotba” Union appeared as a reflection of the global national need to create a new left organization in Ukraine based on the fact that "the official left parties, which were created in the 90's, today are in a profound crisis" (According to "Borotbists").


  1. Would it be possible for Democracy and Class Struggle, Borotba, Socialist Fight/LCFI and some others to produce a joint statement agaist Imperialism and the fascist-led coup and defending the right to form a united front against the fascists with Russia and the ousted President? Whilst maintaining our right to critise Putin and the ousted President?

    Gerry Downing

  2. Democracy and Class Struggle would be happy to support a Statement from Socialist Fight and/or Borotba against the Coup/Putsch in Ukraine.

    We of course have criticisms of Yanukovitch and Putin.
