Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Turkey: We will not forget the revolutionary prisoners who were brutally murdered on December 19th 2000 in the prisons in Turkey!

International solidarity committee with political prisoners

We will not forget the revolutionary prisoners who were brutally murdered on 
December 19th 2000 in the prisons in Turkey !

On December 2000 the security forces of the fascist Turkish state started a 
parallel bloody operation in 22 prison, resulting in the killing of 28 
revolutionary prisoners. The directive of this bloody operation was given by 
the coalition government at that time DSP, ANAP and MHP, during the 
operation hundreds of prisoners were injured. In prisons like the ones in 
the provinces of Diyarbakir, Buca, Ãœmraniye and Ulucanlar the F-type prison 
system (Isolation system) -which had been in plan for a long time- started 
to be implemented following December 19th. With the outcome of the F-type 
prison system until this day the repression against revolutionary prisoners 
still continues.

The F-type prisons mean; isolation, tredman practice, a policy control the 
thoughts and minds of the revolutionary prisoners and to make them 
surrender. The F-type system was not just a policy against the prisons it 
was a policy against the entire society. It was especially a product of a 
long-term strategy of the imperialist politics to control and suppress the 
society. Despite all the oppression and massacres the revolutionary 
prisoners did not bow down to the isolation system. Even if they lost gained 
rights they showed a determined attitude in their resistances, despite all 
difficulties and disadvantages. After the massacre of December 19th, 122 
people died in the death fasting inside and outside the prisons, hundreds 
became permanently disabled due to forced intervention.

The period of the F-type prisons which started with the massacre of December 
19th continues until this day. The fascist AKP government-since 11 years in 
power- practices and imposes the F-type prison system, isolation, visitation 
prohibition, books and journals ban, letters prohibition, prisoners are 
under camera surveillance, arbitrary transfers to other prisons without 
informing relatives or their lawyers and exiles. Political prisoners are 
facing all kinds of inhuman treatment and torture. Also many prisoners have 
received life sentence since the AKP has come to power. As a result of these 
oppressive and suppressive policies, 162 prisoners are suffering terminal 
diseases and 544 are ill due . Due to this arbitrary treatment the ministry 
of justice and the prison administrations are blocking the urgent treatments 
of the ill prisoners.

While starvation, poverty, misery and unemployment is increasing every day 
in the country, the AKP government comes forward with lies such as the 
"democratic package" to impose it on society but continues with new 
massacres. On the 13th anniversary of the massacre of December 19th we once 
more condemn the fascist, racist and oppressive policies of the AKP 
government. We call upon all revolutionary and democratic organizations and 
institutions to be responsive against the repression in the prisons.

An Immediate release of all ill Prisoners and their Treatment should be 
commenced immediately!

An End to Disciplinary Punishments in the cells!

End to Torture and Ill treatment!

An End of the F-Type Cell System- 

Freedom for All Political Prisoners!

We Have Not and Will Not Forget the Massacre of December 19th!

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