Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Philippines: NDFP calls for international support for victims of typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda

Thousands have lost their lives, millions have lost their homes, and the people urgently need drinking water, food and shelter... Revolutionary forces and people's organizations are exerting heroic efforts to provide all that they can muster.
NDFP Chief International Representative
11 November 2013


NDFP calls for international support for victims of typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) calls on its international friends and the international community to send urgent help to the millions of victims in the Philippines who have been affected by the devastating typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

We express our heartfelt thanks to those who have already expressed their deep sympathy and solidarity.

We call on many more to extend their solidarity and concrete support at this time of urgent need.

Thousands have lost their lives, millions have lost their homes and the people urgently need drinking water, food and shelter. Our deepest sympathies go to the families, relatives and communities ravaged by the supertyphoon.

Revolutionary forces and people's organizations are exerting heroic efforts to provide all that they can muster. They are organizing and sending teams to the most affected areas as soon as possible.

Please send to the people's organizations you may already have direct and effective links.

Those who do not yet have such direct links can send to the following bank account of the NDFP International Information Office in The Netherlands:

Account number 39 45 70 642

Bank branch: Utrecht, The Netherlands
IBAN NL 70 RABO 0394 5706 42
Please put “Haiyan/Yoland Relief Funds”

We shall forward your assistance right away to the people in the affected areas
Thank you very much!

Democracy and Class Struggle says we do want  Naomi Klein's "Disaster Capitalism" in the Philippines where has Comrade Joma Sison has pointed out the Aquino regime has been stealing from calamity funds year on year.

No more stealing of people's relief funds by the Aquino Regime.

No enrichment of the corrupt Philippine Elite from this terrible disaster.

This disaster has already completely exposed the corruption of the Aquino Government who are unable to distribute resources to the people even when they get them - the only guarantee that the people not the comprador elite will get the money sent to help the people of the Philippines is by supporting the call for funds of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and not the corrupt Philippine Government..

Please support the call for funds above


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