Friday, November 15, 2013

Mohan Baidhya-led CPN-Maoist, which leads the poll-opposing alliance of 33-parties, has criticised the Supreme Court (SC) of being “controlled by four major political forces”, and has said it will not abide by its order to withdraw the ongoing nationwide strike

Mohan Baidhya-led CPN-Maoist, which leads the poll-opposing alliance of 33-parties, has criticised the Supreme Court (SC) of being “controlled by four major political forces”, and has said it will not abide by its order to withdraw the ongoing nationwide strike.
Organising a press conference at the CPN-Maoist central party office in Buddhanagar on Friday afternoon, party chairperson Mohan Baidhya flatly refused to obey the apex court's order to the agitating 33-party alliance to immediately withdraw the strike.  
Saying that the act of the defendant (CPN-Maoist) will cause “irreparable loss” to the public as it infringes on the right of people to move freely from one place to another, carry out business activities and cast their votes, the Supreme Court had on Thursday issued an interim order against the 33-party alliance.
In response, Baidhya said that that apex court order to immediately withdraw its ongoing strike has infact infringed on the right of the people to boycott the election and said the 33-party alliance led by his party would not obey such an order.
He further said that the Supreme Court  is 

“owned by the major parties” and so his party has no moral obligation to abide by its orders, adding that when the same person serves as both the executive head as well as the head of the judiciary then the court of law can never become “independent and fair”.

Source Nepal News

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