Monday, November 11, 2013

Sri Lanka: Conservative MPs have been banned from travelling on an all-expenses-paid trip to this week’s Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka amid growing concern over the regime’s lobbying activities in Britain.

Conservative MPs have been banned from travelling on an all-expenses-paid trip to this week’s Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka amid growing concern over the regime’s lobbying activities in Britain.

The Daily Telegraph can disclose that the Sri Lankan High Commission in London has privately boasted that it now has 14 MPs prepared to publicly defend the regime, and was hoping to fly several to the south Asian island this week.

Many have already been on luxurious trips to Sri Lanka, some accompanied by their wives or girlfriends, after which several have made parliamentary speeches urging greater “understanding” of the circumstances surrounding the civil war.

Some were due to be in Sri Lanka this week — at the regime’s expense — but have now been banned by the Conservative Party in the wake of a Daily Telegraph investigation into their relationship with the Sri Lankan government.

They had initially been granted permission to travel, but this was abruptly withdrawn at the end of last week “on the advice of the Foreign Office” after this newspaper began making detailed inquiries.


Democracy and Class Struggle says Aneurin Bevan said the Tories were vermin but that is to weak a word to describe these Members of Parliament exposed by their own Tory newspaper going on expenses paid trips by the Sri Lankan Government to hide and defend the atrocities committed and the horrors perpetrated by the Government of Sri Lanka and Majinda Rajapaksa  - may they rot in hell. If other parties are involved like Ulster Unionists in these despicable activities may they accompany the Tory MP's to the Hell that they deserve..

"The consequences of hosting CHOGM in the island of Sri Lanka and appointing as its leader who is accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide as Chair of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) are innumerable and will devastate not only the Tamil People, but also the international community as a whole. The attention afforded to Sri Lanka as host of CHOGM has only bolstered its ability to obscure the real issues, and in turn allowed the government to escape accountability and justice."

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