Monday, October 21, 2013

Russia: Volgograd Terror Attack - A new Operation Cyclone under Gladio B ?

The suicide blast that devastated a bus in Volgograd was meant to take place in Moscow, a source in the Russian Investigative Committee told RT.

The investigation also revealed that the bomber had conspirers in the capital who are on the wanted list.

According to the source, the investigation shows that Naida Asiyalova - the 30-year-old native of the Republic of Dagestan who is believed to be the woman behind the Monday bus bomb blast in Volgograd - conspired with her partner, Dmitry Sokolov, and two other militants to carry out a terrorist attack in the Russian capital.

Two of the conspirers, Ruslan Kazanbiyev and Kurban Omarov, both 25, had already arrived to Moscow and were waiting for Asiyalova, RT’s source said. Both men are wanted in Russia for carrying out a twin terrorist bombing in Dagestan in May 2012, in which 14 people were killed and over 100 injured. Voice of Russia, RT

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Democracy and Class Struggle says Prince Bandar or Qatar are top of our list of suspects in view of his threat/warning to President Putin over Russian support for Syria for Sochi Olympics .

A female suicide bomber Naida Asiyalova blew herself up on a city bus in southern Russia on Monday, killing six people and injuring about 30 others, officials said.

The attack in Volgograd added to security fears ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

The suspected bomber was from the North Caucasus, a region in southern Russia where an Islamic insurgency has been simmering for more than a decade following two separatist wars in Chechnya. Prince Bandar boasted that he controlled the Chechens in a meeting earlier this year in Russia..

Bombs on buses was a militant Islamic form of protest in China in the 1990's.

I lived in China in the 1990's when bombs were exploding on buses killing innocent people placed by Islamic Terrorists operating from an office in Washington DC in USA.

There was little reporting of these terror acts in Western media at the time.

Are we seeing a new Operation Cyclone against Russia ?

Vladimir Markin, of the Investigative Committee - Russia's equivalent of the FBI - told the RIA Novosti news agency:

 "A criminal case has been opened under articles outlining terrorism, murder and the illegal use of firearms."

Saudi Prince Bandar on Terrorism in Russia:

”As an example, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us. These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role or influence in Syria’s political future.”

Read more:

Essential Background on New Operation Cyclone under Gladio B

Previous Bomb in Volgograd here:

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