Wednesday, October 23, 2013

India: Lal Salam - Lal Salam

Lal Salam (Urdu: لال سلام‎, Hindi: लाल सलाम, Bengali: লাল সলাম, meaning 'Red Salute') is a salute, greeting or code word used by communists in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, which is used when both hello and goodbye would be used in English.

In Hindi and Urdu (as well as in several other South Asian languages). Lal means red, the color of communism, and Salam is an Arabic/Persian loanword in use in India and Pakistan.

In Arabic it literally means 'Peace', but this usage is in line with the Persian usage, with the meaning 'Salute'.

This greeting is common among all communists in India, and with Naxals who often use this phrase, e.g. on recruitment posters.[1]'

In Pakistan, the equivalent phrase "Surkh Salam" (Urdu: سرخ سلام‎) is used interchangeably.

The tribute arranged by comrades after the death of a Naxalite is also called the "Lal Salam".[2


"Our party, which further carries on the legacy of Naxalbari, has always seen
the New Democratic revolution we carry out in India as an integral part of
the world socialist revolution, our Party, ie the Communist Party, as a
detachment of the world proletarian vanguard, the PLGA as a detachment of
the world proletarian army and the Revolutionary People's Committees
established here as a integral part of the global dictatorship of the
proletariat or global socialist state. The uncountable and invaluable
victims which the people and the comrades gave in our revolution, are also
an integral part of the countless beloved martyrs of the world socialist
revolution in each country. With this understanding, the different genuine
revolutionary currents in India, from Naxalbari onwards, realized solidarity
campaigns to support the revolutions and people's movements in other
countries, incuding the well-known solidarity campaigns with the revolutions
in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and the national liberation struggles in
Palestine, the Tamils in Sri Lanka , etc., as well as the resistance wars of
the Iraqi and Afghan peoples"

see also :

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