Sunday, September 22, 2013

The US is pushing Russia into approving a UN resolution that would allow for military intervention in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, in exchange for American support of Syria's accession to OPCW

Democracy and Class Struggle is not surprised by the US/British/French  blackmail of Russia.

The  US just needed time to regain lost credibility following global and US opposition to war on Syria. It is now just recalibrating its war rhetoric and war machine.

We have noticed on Facebook  the usual suspects are attacking facts concerning the rebels possession of Sarin and other chemicals with a view for renewed propaganda  war effort against Syria.

The only answer to Imperialist war makers is Revolution, they will never give up.

See also:

The video below is about previous chemical weapons use of the Syrian rebels - remarkably given the interest in chemicals weapons in Syria this Carla del Ponte report has very few accesses

However the history of chemical weapons use by rebels is important news to counter Imperialist anti Syrian War Propaganda that is moving into stage/step 2.Please circulate this video.

1 comment:

  1. Briefly the deviance is a follows,first the regular Syrian Army does not have the type of rockets found at the scene of the chemical attack.

    They were manufactured in the sixties in the Soviet Union and were sold to 50 different countries.

    Russia never gave warheads to Syria with chemical agents.

    The rockets fired did not have a guidance system or the so called precursor that most soviet missiles are equipped with.

    Hand made sarin cylinders were found in the area of the chemical attack.

    The area of the rocket launch was not controlled by Assad government.

    In March several people were detained a Turkish Syrian border in possession of a cylinder of sarin,despite requests the UN has not investigated this.
