Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Asian Pivot - US - China Contradictions - International Institute for Strategic Studies Discussion Exposes depth of contradictions

This is the most risky more dangerous period when a declining United States tries to retain its Global hegemony by taking risks like lowering the threshold for war..

The US Asian Pivot policy comes from neo conservative wing of Democratic Party.

The contradictions between China and United States are the background to the current Korean conflict "the kill the Korean chicken to scare the Chinese monkey" policy of the United States is not only dangerous it is outrageous and must be exposed at all opportunities.

The latest article in New York Times calling for bombing of North Korea is just a continuation of kill the chicken scare the monkey policy advocates.

The Chinese speaker in this video is Lanxin Xiang.

Lanxin Xiang is Professor of International History and Politics at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. He is a Contributing Editor to Survival.

Publishing this video does not indicate approval of IISS but we feel the discussion provides essential missing China background on current Korean Crisis.

Like all bourgeois intellectuals the participants in the video see contradictions has being in ideas and hence they seek to overcome misunderstandings, the contradictions are material and rooted in material conflict and cannot be resolved simply by bourgeois politics.

Editor, Democracy and Class Struggle

See Also :

For article on the US  Financial Strategy in North and South Korea read here :
Video from US/China Institute on Asian Pivot

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