Thursday, April 11, 2013

Program of the People's Front of Iceland (in English)

The People‘s Front of Iceland (PFI) is a new political party that seeks to put the power and wealth of Iceland into the hands of its inhabitants and usher in a new age of social equality and economic justice.

The People‘s Front of Iceland (PFI) is an instrument for the working people of Iceland to pursue their interests by means of wresting them from the hands of the bourgeoisie. For that to be possible, we will have to strengthen democracy, political and economical independence of the country and unwind the marketisation that has increased in most aspects in the recent decades.

The PFI is unconditionally opposed to Iceland‘s membership of the European Union, NATO and other imperialist alliances. The PFI will fight against unlimited import of capital to Iceland, and against any restrictions of Iceland‘s full national sovereignty. Furthermore, the PFI supports other nations‘ struggle for their own sovereignty and against any form of exploitation and oppression. Iceland shall act for peace and justice in the international forum.

Socialisation – equality – human rights – subsistence security

The PFI fights for equality. A requisite is a wide socialisation in the economy. By “socialisation“, we don‘t just mean state ownership or another form of common ownership, but that the goal of the operation will be different and wider than simple profit: The interest of the public, and that of society as a whole, will be the first priority, the operation in question will submit to democratic decisions and policy, and that nobody can extract a private profit from it.

A key issue is that all financial operations be socially operated, so that they will stop sucking up a great slice of the value from the economy for the profit of a small minority. That way we can make space for a resurrection of the welfare system and strengthen all infrastructure of society. Also, an opportunity will be created for the products to be enjoyed by those who produce and by society. By removing the burden of interest payment from the price of commodities and real estate debt, we can improve the standard of living and shorten working hours. A transparent wage system must be established, with only a moderate difference in wages, with a wage rate that is observed in reality, and ban wage secrecy. That way we can e.g. ensure equal wages for both sexes and prevent accumulation of capital and monopoly.

The Popular Front aims to introduce equality as a basic principle of society.We want realistic action to prevent discrimination on basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, residence or other social standing. The solving of disputes, including the courts, should be free of charge for all parties, so that private finance can not condition justice.

Anyone, who can not earn a living by their labour must have secure subsistence, without having to buy their rights in pension funds. We will unwind the pension fund system, that now rests on special taxation and accumulation into funds that are supposed to cover pensions by decades of speculation in the finance market, but are doomed to lose a great deal of their investment. Instead, we propose a coordinated, social pension system that will insure for everyone in need the same amount for subsistence, whether the reason is old age, disability, bad health, unemployment or anything else. It should be made possible for everyone to use their ability in the interest of society. Retirement should be flexible and to some extent according to one‘s own wishes.

Social infrastructure

The People‘s Front of Iceland fights for the resurrection of the healthcare system. Increased socialisation in the economy creates space to divert more funds towards healthcare. We must create conditions for all healthcare to be socially operated or run by the state or by the municipalities, so that the funds will be put to the best use, and we would cooperate with healthcare workers on establishing this system. The goal is that everyone can get the health service that they need and that is technically possible, free of charge and as locally as possible. Primary care must be strengthened and public health given greater weight. Dental health should be run on the same principle as other medical service and the production of medicines, as well as pharmacies, shall become a part of the public health service.

The PFI wants to improve the education system. The education policy would be to systematically develop personal and social maturity in Icelandic youth, in the spirit of justice and fairness. We stress equal access to education, and appropriate, lifelong learning. The base of education policy should be that education is a part of the standard of living that everybody has a right to, and a social good rather than a market commodity. We will try to make education fit the needs and talents of each individual. The entire school system shall be socially operated and free of charge.

The PFI wants in general to further the social is society, at the cost of marketisation, especially within in the public services that everybody needs, and the management of natural resources, that should be publicly owned. It is necessary to free society out of the vicious cycle of capitalism that demands constant growth of the economy.

Natural resources – protection of nature and the environment

The PFI will systematically work towards bringing natural resources, of land and sea, under common, national ownership, neither to be sold nor mortgaged, and that the public can enjoy the harvest that they reap. Fishing quotas will be recalled and redistributed for short periods while we work out a fishing system for the future. We will prevent the owners of the fishing industry from speculating with fishing quotas.

The PFI opposes the trend that the wealthy acquire the national water and energy resources. It is necessary to operate them socially, to ensure sustainability as well as maximize utility for the public. All profits form the natural resources should og towards to improving the standard of living for the public.

The PFI opposes that nature, land or environment be spoiled or corrupted for the profit of the wealthy few. We must prevent too much accumulation and monopoly in the agriculture and tourist industries, that can deteriorate the land. Also, we will prevent the wealthy from dominating council planning by means of their ownership of land. We will allocate funds towards the conservation of the environment and to improve land and protect it from degradation.

Industries – taxes

The PFI works for industrial diversity in the economy. A safe supply of food and other necessities will be the first priority, along with increased equality and a better standard of living for the public. Where it serves our basic goals, social operations will be used, although private businesses can be justified in valuable goods production and services that do not count as infrastructure of society. The goal of the industries should not be to grow exponentially to increase profit and inequality, but to fulfill the needs of society and create export revenue to pay for necessary imports of goods and services to the country.

The PFI opposes the investment of foreign capital in the country, both in the form of loans and direct investments, unless it is necessary for technical reasons or in exceptional cases. A primary condition for investment in Icelandic society should be residence in the country and that the party in question be a part of the society where the operation is. The industries should promote residence in all parts of the country, responsible and sustainable use of land and other natural resources, and promote an equal a living standard, regardless of residence.

The PFI wants to reform taxation by reducing the taxes paid by the public and increasing those paid of company profits, as they will gain increased profits, when the burden of interest to finance capital, and so-called professional investors, is lifted off their shoulders.
Democracy and Class Struggle gives a Red Salute to Icelandic comrades and wish them success in the Class Struggle.

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