Tuesday, March 5, 2013

No To Fascist Mobilisation on the Streets of Wales : No to National Front in Swansea on 9th March

In this economic crisis when Wales has the lowest income per head of any nation or region in the British Isles and where anger is deep against austerity and the cuts, the British ruling class is up to its old tricks again of testing the waters for a reactionary mobilisation of the masses and using race against class.
Whilst any thinking  person knows these are not opposites that it is the working class of the national minorities of many complexions including the Welsh working class that suffer most from the current neo liberal policies of  the this Con Dem government and of the British Ruling Class.
The most important word in the language of the working class is solidarity - let Wales on the 9th March in Swansea  be a living example of that solidarity.
Long Live Welsh Anti Fascism
Statement from The  Great Unrest Group for a Welsh Socialist Republican Party
5th March 2013

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