Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Picket South Afrikan Neo Colonial Embassy Thursday 3rd January 2013 - Solidarity with Marikana Miners

Greetings All,

Just a reminder for you to join us in solidarity with the Marikana Miners as we continue our regular picket  Thursday, 3rd January 2013.

Nearest tubes station Leicester sq on the Piccadilly Line or Charing X on the Nothern Line, both south bound lines

Picket from 5.00pm – 7.00pm
Embassy of the South Afrikan Neocolony
South Africa House
Trafalgar Square
London WC2N 5DP

Please Spread the Word.

Revolutionary regards
Cecil Gutzmore &; Tongogara
Marikana Miners Solidarity Campaign (MMSC)

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