Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nepal: CPN-Maoist forms 51-member strong CC : Baidhya aka Kiran claims victory against revisionism

KATHMANDU: Seventh national convention of the CPN-Maoist concluded by forming a 51-member central committee today. The CC will be led by Mohan Baidhya to steer the people’s revolt on the foundation formed by the people’s war.

The convention decided to elect existing 43 out of 46-strong central committee in the new 51-member committee, as three refused to take up the responsibility citing differences in the new party line adopted by the convention. The closed session was disrupted for around two days after the leadership failed to take decision on the structure and the strength of the central committee. The next central committee meeting will select remaining eight central members.

Three popular central committee members refusing to remain in the central committee are Krishna Dhoj Khadka, former chairman of the party’s student wing, his wife and popular women leader of the party Rekha Sharma and Kumar Dahal.

Khadka said the three leaders have been discussing with the top leaders regarding their differences and will make their views public within a few days if necessary. The convention also decided to continue with the existing office bearers and spokesperson and the invited central committee members Mousam Limbu and Laxman Panta are now full-fledged central members.

Addressing the closing session of the convention Chairman Mohan Baidhya said the unity convention of all the proletariats has become victorious in its fight against the revisionism. On behalf of the martyrs’ families Takma KC said the party has again resurrected the revolution, and has also warned the leaders not to let the people down.

Chairman of the advisors board Krishna Das Shrestha said Marxists and revisionism cannot remain at one place and therefore split was inevitable and has praised the leaders for adopting a revolutionary party line.

Representative of the Marxist and Leninist Communist Party of Turkey, Lena congratulated the leaders of CPN-M during the concluding ceremony and had wished success to the party’s new revolutionary line.

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