Sunday, January 27, 2013

Appeal from Irish TD's We call on the Justice Minister David Ford to allow Marian Price compassionate release to join her family and attend the funeral of her sister Dolours Price.

We call on the Justice Minister David Ford to allow Marion Price compassionate release to join her family and attend the funeral of her sister Dolours Price.

Marian Price is already suffering from physical and mental health difficulties which has resulted in her detention in a hospital facility for the past number of months. Continuing to detain her in isolated custody to grieve alone as her sister is buried can only have a detrimental impact on her health.

We support the call of Marion’s lawyers who have asked Mr. Ford to consider allowing her to spend a week with her family to deal with her loss. The case for allowing her to grieve at her sister’s funeral will be shared even by people of profoundly different ideas and background.

We urge Mr Ford as an act of compassion to act urgently and release Marion Price in time for her sister’s funeral.

Richard Boyd Barrett TD
Joan Collins TD
Clare Daly TD
Thomas Pringle TD

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