Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mumia Abu-Jamal : Long Distance Revolutionary "Christmas Cage Promo"

1 comment:

    This petition calls for the Abolition of The Death Penalty as Slavery’s Ultimate Punishment; as Slaver Police Domestic War Executions against poor and minority communities; and as mass murder in Foreign Wars.
    1. State, Federal, and US Military Prison Executions:
    This, Ultimate Slave Punishment Death Penalty exists in 30 states and in the US Military. It is sanctioned by the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution wherein prisoners are reduced to Slaves.
    Thirteenth Amendment (1865):
    “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS A PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED, shall exist within the United States, or as any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
    2. Slaver Police Domestic War Executions against poor and minority communities across the United States:
    One poor, and predominately minority human being is murdered in America by police Slave Catchers and prison Overseer Guards every 24 hours. This targeted and intentional police murder reduces Citizenship status to that of a Slave. If this murder was being committed against the rich white American community, it would be abolished within one day.
    3. Mass Murders by the United States Military, and its allies, against Indigenous people in foreign wars:
    Mass Murders by the United States Military, and its allies, of people in foreign countries is further sanctioned by the 13 Amendment, wherein:
    “Neither SLAVERY nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or ANY PLACE SUBJECT TO THEIR JURISDICTION.”
    “SLAVERY…ANY PLACE SUBJECT TO THEIR JURISDICTION” is any place in the world where the United States has a presence of overwhelming military/police power and/or economic influence. This military power, and influence of forces, commands ‘Operations Against Irregular Forces’ ‘jurisdiction’ where men, women, and children non-combatants are vengefully murdered (80% to 90%) in foreign wars. Israel and America have a 1 to 130 (1:130) kill ratio against Palestinians. Opposition is punished with death, mass murder, and genocide.
    President Obama’s Chief Executive Power and influence cannot, and will not abolish these Ultimate Slave Punishments of Death. Rather, his office will continue to guarantee Death Row Executions, mass Domestic Executions of poor Community Members by Slaver Police; and mass murder of men, women, and mostly children in Imperialistic Foreign Wars.
    Therefore, this petition is for us – the inhabitants of the United States, and the World. It will go to the United Nations, to the International Criminal Court, to the people of the United States, and to the PEOPLE of the World.
