Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Support Petition: We Urge the Welsh Government to withdraw Pilotless Military Drones Testing in West Wales: Great Unrest Group 2012

"‘Pilotless military drones are a major and highly dangerous development in weapons of warfare. These drones are being deployed with ease and impunity, often resulting in innocent civilian deaths.

We urge the Welsh Government to withdraw its support for the UK’s drones to be tested at Aberporth and flown over a large area of Wales.’

Support the Anti drone petition launched by Cymdeithas y Cymod

Also UK wide petition here : http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/david-cameron-end-the-secrecy-surrounding-the-use-of-british-drones

The Great Unrest Group 2012 for a Welsh Socialist Republican Party

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