Thursday, November 1, 2012

European General Strike on 14th November 2012 supported by Great Unrest Group 2012 for a Welsh Socialist Republican Party

"Our Welsh national struggle is a class struggle.

In the struggle for national and social liberation in Wales we need to enlist the support of English, Scottish and the Irish working class and other national minorities.

Organisationally we seek to strengthen ties with working class organizations throughout the British Isles to support working class power in Wales, as this will also give a base area for their class struggles against the British State.

We are Welsh Socialist Republicans with the working class spirit of the Miners Next Step of 1912 we believe in the power of our class the working class to change Wales and the world.

Long live the spirit of the Great Unrest of 1910-12 - Long Live The Great Unrest of 2012 and Wales Next Step – Welsh Socialist Republicanism"
Extract from May 1st 2012 Statement of Great Unrest Group for a Welsh Socialist Republican Party.
See Article arguing for participation in this Strike here :

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