Monday, May 14, 2012

Message of congratulations to KOE and Syriza from National Democratic Front of Philippines

"The big number of seats you have won in parliament is an additional weapon in your arsenal in the class struggle against the bourgeoisie. In combination with the parliament of the streets, you can more effectively fight and defeat the anti-people measures that the bourgeois parties might try to ram through in parliament." Released by NDFP International Information Office 12 May 2012

Message of congratulations to KOE and Syriza

It is with great joy that the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) extends its warm cogratulations to the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) and Synaspismos Rhizospastikis Aristeras (SYRIZA) for your resounding victory in the just concluded elections in your country. The election results is a clear rejection of the austerity measures that have been imposed by the troika of the IMF, European Union and the European Central Bank and that have wreaked havoc on the lives of the Greek working people, and a repudiation of the bourgoeis parties supporting these destructive austerity measures..

Your uncompromising and consistent opposition to the anti-people measures being imposed by the reactionary ruling parties won for you the wide support among the masses. As a result, you were the biggest winners in the elections, scoring the highest increase in votes and number of parliamentary seats since the preceding elections The big number of seats you have won in parliament is an additional weapon in your arsenal in the class struggle against the bourgeoisie. In combination with the parliament of the streets, you can more effectively fight and defeat the anti-people measures that the bourgeois parties might try to ram through in parliament. Disregarding the clear message from the Greek people, the pro-Troika political parties continue to insist on imposing the austerity package being foisted on the country by the IMF, EU and ECB.

Thus, you must remain vigilant and be prepared to fight a long and hard battle. Greece has been one of the hardest hit countries in Europe as a consequence of the severest crisis of the world capitalist system in decades. The Greek working people with their long tradition of militant struggle have been among the most active in fighting the austerity measures imposed by the bourgeois governments on the people of Europe.

Syriza and KOE have been consistently at the forefront of the mass struggles carried out by the working masses against the criminal conspiracies of the Greek reactionary parties, the EU and the IMF-WB. You have done well in establishing the closest links with the masses of working people energizing them and being energized by them in the course of the struggle. The road has been paved for your all-round development as a potent political force. Again, we congratulate you for your outstanding victory and we wish you ever greater successes in the future.



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