Friday, May 4, 2012

Canada - arrest and freedom of comrade of Patrice Legendre - Comrade Tania Dubeau- Gaudreault to appear in Court - Statement from Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada

Our comrade Patrice Legendre was finally released a few hours ago, under a $500bail.

However, no additional condition has been imposed on him. Patrice will appear again in Court on June 12 on a charge of “breach of condition.” 

Meanwhile, Comrade Tania Dubeau-Gaudreault will appear in Court tomorrow morning following her recentre-arrest, also for “breach of condition.”

The Court will decide if she will be released or if she will have to stay in jail pending her trial. 

(Tania is accused in the May First 2011 defendents case after being targeted by the GAMMA squad). 

Montréal Red Aid is calling for  Court solidarity tomorrow, Thursday, May 3 at Montreal Palais de Justice at 9:30 am, room 3.07. 

Thank you for your solidarity.

The PCR-RCP Canada Political Information Bureau

May 2nd, 2012 at 10 pm

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