Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ysbryd Rebeca - A man of Carnabwth came to demand freedom of the folk to be able to walk her land - Join the Campaign for a new Welsh Land Act

Since walking through time and over the years
Leaving only a memory of the tollgates that were burnt to the ground
Our land is under siege and our myths and tale and history and accent
Are trampled to the ground
There are still obstacles left to defeat
And villains and strangers are against us
But the spirit of Carnabwth calls us to follow him still

Sign the petition for the new Welsh Land Act here :

Byddwn ffyddlon i'n gwlad
Amddiffynwn ein tir
Er pob gormes a brad
Mynnwn gredu yn y gwir
Tra bo haul yn y nen
Tra bo Duw i ni'n ben
Fe fydd Ysbryd Rebeca yn fyw yn yr efail wen

Ganrif a hanner yn ol
A'n gwlad o dan ormes landlordiaid a hawliau ein tir
Daeth gwr o Garnabwth i fynnu ei rhyddid i'r werin
I gael cerdded ei thir

Mae'n rwystrau yn dal i'w goresgyn
Ac mae taeog ac estron yn ein herbyn
Ond mae ysbryd Carnabwth yn ein galw i'w ddilyn o hyd

Byddwn ffyddlon i'n gwlad
Amddiffynwn ein tir
Er pob gormes a brad
Mynnwn gredu yn y gwir
Tra bo haul yn y nen
Tra bo Duw i ni'n ben
Fe fydd Ysbryd Rebeca yn fyw yn yr efail wen

Er cerdded o'r amser a thrwy'r blynyddoedd
Heb adael ond atgof o'r tollbyrth a losgwyd i'r llawr
Mae ein bro dan warchae a'i chwedlau a'i hanes a'i hacen
Sy'n cael ei sathru i'r llawr

Mae'n rwystrau yn dal i'w goresgyn
Ac mae taeog ac estron yn ein herbyn
Ond mae ysbryd Carnabwth yn ein galw i'w ddilyn o hyd

Byddwn ffyddlon i'n gwlad
Amddiffynwn ein tir
Er pob gormes a brad
Mynnwn gredu yn y gwir
Tra bo haul yn y nen
Tra bo Duw i ni'n ben
Fe fydd Ysbryd Rebeca yn fyw yn yr efail wen

Mae'n rwystrau yn dal i'w goresgyn
Ac mae taeog ac estron yn ein herbyn
Ond mae ysbryd Carnabwth yn ein galw i'w ddilyn o hyd

Byddwn ffyddlon i'n gwlad
Amddiffynwn ein tir
Er pob gormes a brad
Mynnwn gredu yn y gwir
Tra bo haul yn y nen
Tra bo Duw i ni'n ben
Fe fydd Ysbryd Rebeca yn fyw yn yr efail wen (efail wen)
Fe fydd Ysbryd Rebeca yn fyw yn yr efail wen

We'll be loyal to our land
And we'll defend our country
Despite any oppression and betrayal
We'll maintain belief in the truth
Whilst there's a sun in the sky
Whilst there's a God as a guide
The Spirit of Rebeca will live in the 'Efail Wen.'

A century and a half ago
And our country under the repression of landlords and the rights of our land
A man of Carnabwth came to demand freedom of the folk
To be able to walk her land

There are still obstacles left to defeat
And villains and strangers are against us
But the spirit of Carnabwth calls us to follow him still

We'll be loyal to our land
And we'll defend our country
Despite any oppression and betrayal
We'll maintain belief in the truth
Whilst there's a sun in the sky
Whilst there's a God as a guide
The Spirit of Rebeca will live in the 'Efail Wen.'

Since walking through time and over the years
Leaving only a memory of the tollgates that were burnt to the ground
Our land is under siege and our myths and tale and history and accent
Are trampled to the ground
There are still obstacles left to defeat
And villains and strangers are against us
But the spirit of Carnabwth calls us to follow him still

We'll be loyal to our land
And we'll defend our country
Despite any oppression and betrayal
We'll maintain belief in the truth
Whilst there's a sun in the sky
Whilst there's a God as a guide
The Spirit of Rebeca will live in the 'Efail Wen.'

There are still obstacles left to defeat
And villains and strangers are against us
But the spirit of Carnabwth calls us to follow him still

We'll be loyal to our land
And we'll defend our country
Despite any oppression and betrayal
We'll maintain belief in the truth
Whilst there's a sun in the sky
Whilst there's a God as a guide
The Spirit of Rebeca will live in the 'Efail Wen.' (Efail Wen)
The Spirit of Rebeca will live in the 'Efail Wen.'

Visit :

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