Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yesterday 600 people encircled the US Embassy in Berlin with a 700 meter (appr. 2230 feet) long banner demanding Mumia's freedom, to abolish the death penalty, stop the prison industrial complex and free the political prisoners.

Yesterday appr. 600 people encircled the US Embassy in Berlin with a 700 meter (appr. 2230 feet) long banner demanding Mumia's freedom, to abolish the death penalty, stop the prison industrial complex and free the political prisoners. This banner has been drawn by hundreds of different people during FREE MUMIA info events all over the country in the last half year.

Here are two videos from the event:

Berlin: 600 fordern Freiheit für Mumia Abu-Jamal! (April 7, 2012)

Berliner Ostermarsch 2012 - Freiheit für Mumia Abu-Jamal! - Occupy For Peace (April 7, 2012)

German media widely covered the event. We even made it into a news programme of Germany's largest TV station for a couple of seconds. We were supported by the peace movement which led a peace demonstration onto the square in order to take part in this action. It was a strong sign of solidarity when the whole march cued up to pick up a piece of the banner and started walkong around the US Embassy.

On April 21 we will take to the streets of Berlin again when we demonstrate through the city center. Mumia's former fellow prisoner Harold Wilson will join us when we march towards the US Embassy once more to demand the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the many other prisoners, who are incarcerated due to racist laws, political repression and the shear greed to exloit them in the prison industrial complex. We will demand a global abolition of the death penalty, too, highlighting the pivotal role the US has in this.

We hope these actions will help to draw attention to the OCCUPY the DoJ in Washington D.C. on April 24 - we wish you lots of success.

Red Salute from Democracy and Class Struggle for comrades actions in Germany in support of Mumia Abu Jamal's Freedom

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