Friday, April 27, 2012

Statement from Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on Palestinian Hunger Strike

To the masses of the Palestinian people, and all of your forces, organizations and institutions-
We greet you and your revolutionary steadfastness, which is bound to achieve a triumphant victory despite the long night of the hateful occupation.
In light of the urgent need to confront the Israeli Prison Services and their ongoing and escalating inhuman practices, and to escalate the prisoners’ struggle, and after lengthy and in-depth dialogue among the prisoners’ movement for over two years, a united national position including the majority of the sectors and forces of the prisoners’ movement has come forward to fight the battle of the empty intestines – the battle of the prisoners’ spring. This battle comes amid a spirit of defiance and steadfastness among the prisoners, and determination to confront solitary confinement, the denial of visits to prisoners from Gaza, demand the abolition of the “Shalit law,” demand the right to education, and the restoration of prisoners’ rights that have been trampled on in recent years.
We call upon all of our comrades throughout the prisons to be at high readiness and great pride to fight this battle. Despite the passage of less than six months after our last battle for freedom, demanding an end to solitary confinement and isolation, we are committed to this great struggle. Comrade Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh will be our representative in the Higher National Leadership Committee to coordinate and lead the strike.
We also call upon the masses of the Palestinian people everywhere they are, upon our national and Islamic institutions, upon the Arab nation and upon all progressive forces around the world to take up and engage with the struggle of the prisoners who need your support and action.
Together, we will march forward until the spring of prisoners blossoms on the road of the Palestinian Spring.
Leadership of the Prison Branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

For Update on Hunger Strike Visit :

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