Monday, April 30, 2012

Red Republican Partisan Cymru Supports Wales Land Act Campaign - June 2012


I'r Cymry.
Ddoe a ddaw a hedd ei ddydd - newydd clir
           Nawdd clyd o law deunydd,

                Pan chwalwyd ein tir gan arglwyddi rheibus, arglwyddi etifeddol anheilwng, cymer y Gwerin ei nerth a'i hetifeddiaeth. Sarhad at ddemocratiaeth yw'r twrbinau gwynt. Sarhad at y Werin yw'r arglwyddi etifeddol. Gofyn ydyw'r ddeiseb hon, gofyn o'r Ty Cyffredin a'r Cynulliad am ddychwel y tir i ni y Werin gan bryniad gorfodol. Diogelwyd prydferthwch anferth ein tir, diogelwyd ein halwfraint gwerinol, diogelwyd hefyd ein hetifeddiaeth.

 To the People of Wales. 

In view of the fact that our Cymric land is being desecrated by rapacious landlords, hereditary aristocrats, the English Crown and Corporate Utility Companies, this Petition demands of the Westminster Parliament and the Welsh Government the restoration of the land, by compulsory purchase, to its rightful owner, the People of Cymru, in order to preserve our heritage, the great beauty of this land and the common right of our people to access and make use of it until perpetuity. 

Sign the petition for the new Welsh Land Act here :

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