Friday, April 6, 2012

Carlo by Dafydd Iwan: This Welsh song was a protest against the investiture of Prince Charles in 1969. Support Red Republican Pitchfork Protest against Queen's Jubilee in June 2012

 A satirical song poking fun at Prince Charles who's title is 'Prince of Wales', yet there is nothing Welsh about him... The song conveys this well. Originally, this song was a protest against the investiture of Prince Charles in 1969. -

Note: "Carlo" is a nickname given to Charles. The English translation of 'Carlo' would be 'Charlie'.

Mae gen i ffrind bach yn byw ym Muckingham Palas,
A Charlo Windsor yw ei enw ef.
Tro dwethaf es i gnocio ar ei ddrws ei dy,
Daeth ei Fam i'r drws a medde hi wrthof i...

O, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo heddi, heddi
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo gyda Dadi, Dadi

Ymunwch yn y gan, trigolion fawr a man
O'r diwedd mae gynon ni 'Brins' yn ngwlad y gan.

Fe gafodd ei addysg draw yng ngwlad Awstralia,
Ac yna lan i Scotland yr aeth o.
Colofn y diwylliant Cymraeg,
Cyfrannwr i Dafod y Ddraig,
Aelod o'r Urdd, gwersyllwr er cyn cof...

O, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo heddi, heddi
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo gyda Dadi, Dadi

Ymunwch yn y gan, trigolion fawr a man
O'r diwedd mae gynon ni 'Brins' yn ngwlad y gan.

Bob wythnos mae e'n darllen Y Cymro a'r Faner,
Yn darllen Dafydd ap Gwilym yn ei wely bob nos,
Mae dyfodol y wlad a'r iaith yn agos at ei galon fach ef,
Y mae'n fwy o genedlaetholwr na'r FWA...

O, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo heddi, heddi
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo gyda Dadi, Dadi

Ymunwch yn y gan, trigolion fawr a man
O'r diwedd mae gynon ni 'Brins' yn ngwlad y gan.

O ie, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo heddi ie, heddi
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo'n warae polo gyda Dadi ie, Dadi

Ymunwch yn y gan, daiogion fawr a man
O'r diwedd mae gynon ni 'Brins' yn ngwlad y gan.

English translation lyrics:


I've a little friend who lives in Buckingham Palace,
And Carlo Windsor is his name.
Last time I went to knock on his door,
His Mother answered and she told me...

O, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo today, today,
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo with Daddy, Daddy.

Join in the song, peoples old and young,
Finally we have a "Prince" in the land of song.

He recieved his education over in Australia,
And off to Scotland did he go.
Columnist of Welsh culture,
Contributor to 'Tafod y Ddraig'
A member of the Urdd, a camper ever since I can remember...

O, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo today, today,
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo with Daddy, Daddy.

Join in the song, peoples old and young,
Finally we have a "Prince" in the land of song.

Every week he reads the 'Cymro' and the 'Faner',
He reads Dafydd ap Gwilym in his bed every night,
The future of the language and country is close to his heart
He's a greater nationalist than the FWA...

O, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo today, today,
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo with Daddy, Daddy.

Join in the song, peoples old and young,
Finally we have a "Prince" in the land of song.

Oh yeah, Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo today yeah, today,
Carlo, Carlo,
Carlo's playing polo with Daddy yeah, Daddy.

Join in the song, peoples old and young,
Finally we have a "Prince" in the land of song.

   Red Pitchforks in Wales - Call for Great Unrest in June during Queens Jubilee

Remember Edward Morgan of the Scotch Cattle executed today in 1835 at Monmouth - we remember our  brother here : Remembering Edward Morgan

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