Friday, December 23, 2011

Comrade Kiran’s new interview by New Democratic Peoples Front

Picture Comrade Kiran

December 16th

Q. Your experience with the formulation of national constitution in the last two years and the resistance by the reactionary parliamentary right wingers like Nepali congress. How do you sum it up in retrospect?
A. Our experience of Constituent Assembly for the last two years and our co-work with parliamentarian parties, including Nepali Congress, has been very complicated and bitter. In this whole process, intense ideological struggle is going on between two mutually contradictory trends: whether to build a new national army by integrating PLA in a dignified manner or make them surrender by disarming them and whether to attempt writing people’s constitution with anti-feudal and anti-imperialist content or write a parliamentarian constitution based on status quo. In this struggle our party is becoming weaker day by day.
In this course, a serious two-line struggle is taking place on the evaluation of different compromises and agreements reached from the past to now.
Q. Indian Maoists, your counterpart from India, were skeptical over your participation in the parliamentary path without the overthrow of the then existent state structures. Your party chose to restructure the state apparatus by participating in the bourgeoisie state legislature. How do you see it in retrospect?
A. Our party had initiated and conducted the great people’s war to establish new democratic state power by destroying the old one. However, without accomplishing this task we took a course of compromise and adopted a policy of restructuring the state. We take it as our limitation and obligation. It is natural for the Indian Maoists to be skeptical of our party. Our party’s practice in the days to come will provide correct answer to the doubt that the Indian comrades have expressed or will justify its irrelevance or relevance.
Q. Your nation is sandwiched between two giant powers of the south Asia, i.e. India and china. Your party saw India as more harmful than China against your revolutionary tide. Later, Prachanda, your party chairman was becoming more friendly to India shirking anti Indian stance. How do you explain this duality?
A. Yes, our country is sandwiched between two giant powerful countries of the south Asia, like India and china. We want to maintain a good neighbourly relation and go ahead by honouring each other’s national integrity and reverence with both of these countries. There are various unequal treaties, including the treaty of 1950, between Nepal and India. But, there are no such unequal treaties with China. In this sense, we oppose the expansionist attitude of the Indian ruling classes. However, we are not opposed to Indian people. We want to abrogate unequal treaties and sign up the new ones that are based on common interest and mutual equality of both the countries.
I don’t think it will be appropriate to look at chairman comrade Prachanda’s view and practice upon India as dualist. Because, it may be perhaps a question in which he showed his limitation or shortcoming in properly paying attention to the dialectical relation between diplomacy and politics.
Q. Does your party still view India as expansionist state in south Asia endangering the national aspirations of the regional entities?
A. Yes, we still think so. This position of ours is pointed only towards the Indian ruling classes, which are in minority. We look at the entire Indian people from the viewpoint of equality and think that they are our friends for Nepalese revolution.
Q. At the time of participation in election process, the armed overthrow was given a goby suggesting peaceful transition to power. You were putting forward the fusion theory to mobilize the urban upsurge.
A. Yes, we chose this way or that way a path of peaceful electoral process by diverting our attention from the path of destroying the old state power in an armed manner. Here, we have a number of shortcomings, limitations and obligations, we summing up all this mercilessly want to go ahead.
So far as the concept of fusion adopted to organise urban insurrection is concerned, it is correct and needs further explanation. In view of the development of information technology and imperialist globalisation we are trying to develop a concept of fusion in which some of the tactics of armed insurrection are incorporated into the protracted people’s war, which is principal. It is necessary to pay attention to both of its aspects: further study and practical implementation. A danger of the party being dipped in the swamp of right revisionism is growing and we are careful on it. Thanks.
  From : New Democratic People’s Front (

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